201, 203 and 205 Broadway Street
Federick, Maryland 21701
The Jefferson Center offers a one-of-a-kind office campus comprised of three buildings offering unparalleled accessibility, convenience and prestige.
The Jefferson Center is located in downtown City of Frederick and is walking distance to the Courthouse, City Hall, restaurants, banks, and the new Carroll Creek Linear Park, and is adjacent to public transportation facilities.
The Jefferson Center buildings all face a large free parking lot on Broadway Street. Each building has its own front and side entrances.
Amenities at The Jefferson Center include 119 free parking spaces; separate metered gas heat and electric air conditioning; well lighted campus setting surrounded by pedestrian walkways; traditional lamp posts; ample trees and shrubs; and individual security systems.
The Jefferson Center Site Plan
Copyright © 2008 The Jefferson Center, Inc. 31 Wood Lane, Rockville, MD 20850